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Discover How Far Phuket Is From Bangkok – Your Ultimate Guide

how far phuket from bangkok

Welcome to our ultimate guide on how far Phuket is from Bangkok! If you’re planning a trip to Thailand, it’s essential to understand the distance between these two popular destinations. Whether you’re a beach lover or interested in exploring the vibrant city life, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to make your journey smooth and enjoyable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Phuket is approximately 840 kilometers (520 miles) from Bangkok by road.
  • Multiple transportation options are available, including domestic flights, trains, and buses.
  • The travel time and duration vary depending on the mode of transportation chosen.
  • Budget considerations and time constraints should be taken into account when choosing transportation.
  • The best time to visit Phuket is during the high season, from December to March, for optimal weather conditions.

Transportation Options from Bangkok to Phuket

When planning your trip from Bangkok to Phuket, there are several transportation options to consider. The best way to reach Phuket from Bangkok depends on your preferences, budget, and available time. Here are some of the transportation options available:

  1. Domestic Flights: The quickest option is to take a domestic flight from either Suvarnabhumi Airport or Don Mueang Airport in Bangkok to Phuket International Airport. Multiple flights depart daily, with a travel time of approximately one hour and 20 minutes.
  2. Trains and Buses: If you prefer a more scenic journey, you can take a train from Bangkok to Surat Thani and then switch to a bus for the remainder of the journey to Phuket. While this option takes longer, it offers a unique and enjoyable experience.
  3. Buses: Buses are also available and offer a more budget-friendly alternative to flying or taking the train. They are a convenient option if you’re looking to save money while traveling from Bangkok to Phuket.

Each transportation option has its own advantages and considerations. Flying is the fastest and most convenient option, but it tends to be pricier. Trains and buses offer a more affordable alternative, but they require more travel time. Consider your budget, time constraints, and personal preferences when choosing the best transportation option for your trip from Bangkok to Phuket.

Transportation Option Travel Time Cost
Domestic Flights Approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes Higher cost
Trains and Buses Varies depending on train and bus schedules Lower cost
Buses Varies depending on traffic and stops Lower cost

As you can see from the table, domestic flights offer the fastest travel time but at a higher cost. Trains and buses are more affordable, but the travel time can vary depending on schedules. Buses are the most budget-friendly option but may take longer due to traffic and stops along the way.

Whichever transportation option you choose, make sure to plan your journey accordingly and consider factors such as your budget, time constraints, and personal preferences. Transport from Bangkok to Phuket is readily available, allowing you to explore the beautiful beaches and attractions of Phuket hassle-free.

Travel Times and Duration

When planning a trip from Bangkok to Phuket, it’s important to consider the travel times and duration of different modes of transportation. The distance between the two cities is approximately 840 kilometers (520 miles) by road. Here is an overview of the travel times for the various options:

“The journey from Bangkok to Phuket can vary in duration depending on the mode of transportation chosen.”

Domestic Flights

The quickest way to travel from Bangkok to Phuket is by taking a domestic flight. With multiple flights departing from Bangkok airports to Phuket daily, the travel time is approximately one hour and 20 minutes. This option is ideal for those who are short on time and value convenience.

Train and Bus

For a more scenic journey, you can choose to travel by train and bus. The train journey from Bangkok to Surat Thani, which is the nearest train station to Phuket, takes between 8.5 to 12 hours depending on the train. From Surat Thani, you can then take a bus to Phuket, which adds an additional four to five hours to the travel time.


When deciding on the mode of transportation, it’s essential to consider your budget and time constraints. Domestic flights provide the quickest option but tend to be more expensive than trains or buses. If you have more flexibility and want to enjoy the scenic beauty of Thailand, taking the train and bus can be a more affordable and enjoyable choice.

Table: Comparison of Travel Times and Duration

Transportation Travel Time Duration
Domestic Flights Approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes Fastest option
Train and Bus 8.5 to 12 hours (train) + 4 to 5 hours (bus) Scenic journey, longer duration

By considering the travel times and duration, you can choose the mode of transportation that best suits your preferences and schedule for your journey from Bangkok to Phuket.

phuket and bangkok travel time

Factors to Consider When Choosing Transportation

If you’re planning a trip from Bangkok to Phuket, it’s important to consider several factors when choosing your mode of transportation. Whether you prioritize convenience, budget, or time constraints, there are different options to suit your needs.

If you’re short on time and looking for a quick and convenient option, flying is the fastest way to reach Phuket from Bangkok. Domestic flights between the two cities take approximately one hour and 20 minutes. This option allows you to maximize your time and spend more of it exploring the beautiful beaches and attractions of Phuket. However, it’s important to note that flying tends to be pricier compared to other modes of transportation.

For travelers on a budget, buses and trains provide more cost-effective alternatives. Buses are a popular choice for budget-conscious travelers, offering affordable fares and scenic routes. The journey from Bangkok to Phuket by bus usually takes longer compared to flying, but it can be a great opportunity to experience the landscapes of Thailand. Trains are another option, offering a more comfortable and leisurely journey. However, train travel from Bangkok to Phuket requires a transfer at Surat Thani, adding to the overall travel time.

Considerations for Choosing Transportation:

  • Time Constraints: If you have a limited schedule and want to make the most of your time in Phuket, flying is the fastest option.
  • Budget Considerations: If you’re traveling on a tight budget, buses and trains offer more affordable alternatives to flying.

Make sure to plan your journey based on your preferences, budget, and available time. Consider the pros and cons of each transportation option to make the best choice for your trip.

Flight from Bangkok to Phuket

Comparison of Transportation Options:

Transportation Pros Cons
Flying Fastest option Higher cost
Buses Affordable fares Longer travel time
Trains Comfortable journey Transfer at Surat Thani

Remember, the choice of transportation ultimately depends on your personal preferences and priorities. Whether you value speed, cost, or the experience of the journey itself, carefully consider these factors to make an informed decision.

Best Time to Visit Phuket

When planning a trip to Phuket, it’s important to consider the best time to visit in order to make the most of your experience. The climate and weather in Phuket can vary throughout the year, affecting the overall travel experience. By understanding the different seasons and their characteristics, you can choose the ideal time for your visit.

The high season in Phuket, which spans from December to March, is considered the best time to visit. During this period, the weather is dry and sunny, creating perfect conditions for beach activities and outdoor exploration. The temperatures hover around 32°C (89°F), allowing visitors to enjoy the warm tropical climate. It’s important to note that this is also the peak tourist season, so expect larger crowds and higher prices for accommodations.

If you prefer to avoid the peak tourist season, Phuket’s shoulder season offers a good alternative. The months of April, May, August, and November fall within the shoulder season, which means you can still enjoy favorable weather with shorter showers. These months offer a balance between lower prices and fewer tourists, allowing you to explore Phuket without the crowds.

Season Weather Advantages
High Season (December-March) Dry and sunny Perfect beach weather, optimal for outdoor activities
Shoulder Season (April, May, August, November) Shorter showers Lower prices, fewer tourists, still good weather for exploration
Low Season (June-October) Rainy season Lower prices for accommodations and services

The low season in Phuket falls between June and October and is characterized by the rainy season. While this period may not be ideal for enjoying the beaches and outdoor activities, it offers the benefit of significantly lower prices for accommodations and services. If you don’t mind occasional showers and want to take advantage of budget-friendly options, the low season can be a great time to visit Phuket.

Ultimately, the best time to visit Phuket depends on your preferences and priorities. Whether you choose to visit during the high season, shoulder season, or low season, Phuket offers a vibrant and tropical destination with a variety of experiences to enjoy.


In conclusion, Phuket is located approximately 840 kilometers (520 miles) from Bangkok by road. Traveling from Bangkok to Phuket offers a range of transportation options, including domestic flights, trains, and buses. The fastest option is by air, with flights taking around one hour and 20 minutes. Alternatively, trains and buses provide a more scenic journey, but at the cost of longer travel times.

When deciding on the best mode of transportation, it’s important to consider factors such as budget and time constraints. If convenience and speed are a priority, flying is the recommended choice, although it may come with a higher price tag. However, if you’re looking to save money, buses and trains offer more cost-effective alternatives.

The best time to visit Phuket is during the high season, which occurs from December to March. This period provides dry and sunny weather, perfect for enjoying the beautiful beaches. If you prefer to avoid crowds and are willing to deal with occasional showers, the shoulder season in April, May, August, and November also offers pleasant weather. Lastly, the low season from June to October, while characterized by rain, presents an opportunity to experience Phuket at lower prices.

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How far is Phuket from Bangkok?

The distance between Bangkok and Phuket is approximately 840 kilometers (520 miles) by road.

What are the transportation options from Bangkok to Phuket?

There are multiple transportation options, including domestic flights, trains, and buses.

How long does it take to travel from Bangkok to Phuket?

The travel time varies depending on the mode of transportation chosen. Domestic flights take approximately one hour and 20 minutes, while train journeys can take between 8.5 to 12 hours, and the bus journey takes an additional four to five hours.

What factors should I consider when choosing transportation from Bangkok to Phuket?

Factors to consider include budget considerations, time constraints, and personal preferences for convenience and cost.

When is the best time to visit Phuket?

The best time to visit Phuket is during the high season from December to March, when the weather is dry and sunny. The shoulder season (April, May, August, and November) also offers good weather with occasional showers. The low season (June to October) is the rainy season but offers lower prices for accommodations and services.

My name is Rafaela "Lifelong Learner" Keebler, and I am the proud creator and author of a general blog, which I launched in 2018. My journey into the world of blogging began as a way to quench my thirst for knowledge and share my passion for various topics with like-minded individuals. Ever since I was young, I have been drawn to exploring the diverse aspects of life, from culture and travel to personal growth and wellness. My blog became the perfect platform for me to delve into these subjects and share my insights and experiences with a wider audience.